10 Beautiful Mosques That Are Surrounded By Water, Around The World see Their Photos And Locations.

Mosques serve as community centers, prayer halls, and places to teach the Quran.

Mosques can be found in several Countries around the World, some of these Mosques are built on land while some of them are built on water.

In this article today, we will be discussing ten beautiful Mosques that are surrounded by water and their Location

01: The Magnificent Ar-rahma Mosque

Magnificent Ar-rahma Mosque is a very beautiful and gigantic. This great Mosque was built on 1985 in Saudi Arabia

02:The Magnificent Blue Mosque

Magnificent Blue Mosque is a very beautiful Mosque which is commonly called Sultan Ahmed Mosque. This great Mosque was built in 1609-1616 in Istanbul, Turkey.

03: The Beautiful Schweitzinger Mosque

This beautiful Mosque was built in Germany so many years ago

04: Hassan Mosque

Hassan Mosque is a well-recognized Mosque in Morocco

05: Crystal Mosque

Crystal Mosque is a very famous Mosque in Malaysia. This great Mosque was constructed with steel and crystal glass.

06: The Magnificent Punching Perdana Mosque

Magnificent Punching Perdana Mosque is a very gigantic Mosque. This great Mosque is was built near Puchong in Malaysia.

07: Strait Mosque

This beautiful Mosque was built so many years ago on Malacca Island in Malaysia.

08: An-nur Mosque

This beautiful Mosque was built in 1963-1968 in Indonesia.

09: Sheikh Zayed Mosque

Sheikh Zayed Mosque is a very beautiful and famous Mosque. This great Mosque was built in Abu Dhabi.

10: Sultan Omar Ali Mosque

Sultan Omar Ali Mosque is a very gigantic Mosque in Brunei.


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