Analysis:failures that led to minister Nanono’s removal in agric sector of Nigeria

Mr Sabo Nanono and his power ministry counterparts was removed

Mr Sabo Nanono, the now former minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, assumed duty at the ministry of agriculture on August 21, 2019 after a shoddy ratification procedure at the Senate ministerial screening session.

Due to his affiliation with some lawmakers, under the claim of having wide experience and deep knowledge of the sector even when he studied Business Administration as an undergraduate.

Based on this, many Nigerians were robbed of knowing Mr Nanono’s blueprint for the country’s agricultural sector.

There is no hunger compared to what I saw in India in 1973. What we need is to get our acts together And develop a sector, he said this while briefing correspondent on assumption at the ministry at that time, rather than sharing his plans for the sector, Mr Nanono said hunger in Nigeria “cannot be compared to what is obtained in other countries,” and that efforts should be made by the Nigerian government to assist other countries in food supply.

While the rise in the prices of significant staple foods still subsist, the country’s agricultural sector has witnessed little or no improvement under the watch of Mr Nanono before his sack.


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