
AMM; Politics is the act of associated with making decisions, it is the set of activities that are associated with making decision in group or other forms of power relation among individuals such as the distribution of resources or status


Governance :this is the all aspect of the wty, the government fulfill it’s job for societal and economic development . It the process of governing by which all governmental as well as non governmental organization, civil societies and private sector , are involved in the process of policy making and the process of implementation of that policies


1- Participatory or Democratic Governance: Ensure the participant of citizen in the process of policy making and it’s implementation, landsgemeinde or local elect governance and protest e.t.c

2- Democratic Governance : is not just a set of rules and institution it’s refers to the process in which democratic institution are influencing according to democratic process
However, the fundamental of this kind of Governance is to ensure that the service delivered to all sectors of the societies. And it’s only possible by securing the people participation in the process of decision making process in all democratic institutions.

3- Global Governance: this is the one of the most relevant types of government .the term global governance was first used by Rosentu. He argues that global governance is conviced to include system of all level of human activity from the family to international organisation in which they persuit of goal through the exercise of the control has transnational repercussions.
The idea of global governance has it’s roots in the facts that today the states exits with non state actors.Today alongside state we have the presence of international institution like United States (UN), the international monetary fond(I.M.F) the world trade organization (W.T.O) we also have a powerful non state actors like multinational corporation ( M.NCs), global civil society and non governmental organization (N.G.Os)
This show that of governance in the present time and looking at from the global perspectives it’s a very complex and contest notion similarity.this also has implication fo demestic policy making that is governance in demestic realism also is haven contestant countours.

4- Corporate Governance : Today corporate governance is a buzzword in the corporate boardroom across the world. Corporate governance is a set of rules or codes of conducts for the corporate sector or corporate governance. Through corporate governance, the government can regulate corporate campanies. Every company has to follow these rules or code of conducts to Start their business in a particular state or region.

5: Environmental Governance:it provides the explanation of why that can be implemented in the development of international environmental sciences and information, and sustainable development and implementation policies in the line with national policy. It’s control the management of the environment of the resources and securing sustainable development.

6- E- Governance: The application of information communication technology in the process of governance gives birth to the idea of E- Governance. E- Governance or electronic governance is modern initiative to make the governing process more transparent and accountable . Its goal is to use technology for the greater society .
This system secure services delivery to the citizens as minimal cost, effort and time using internet service. It’s also ensure that a strong relationship between the state and civil society and the functioning of public authorities of all level of planning . This is also called as a services oriented concept.
E- Governance service are available at four levels.

•G2C ( Government to citizen )
•G2B ( Government to Business)
•G2G ( Government to Government)
•G2E ( Government to Employee)

✓ Good Governance: Good Governance it’s the most important types of governance that is good for the people or inclusiveness of people in decision making. Good Governance is about rules of low in the government activities and about inclusiveness of people in decision making, good governance is about accountability system of government where all the activities of that government is for the welfare, betterment, shelter that provided by the government and at make sure that each citizen is allowed to have equal right.Good gevernance is all about the taking care of all well being of people through a governance and this can be done through democracy under the democratic Government that is democratically elected by the people. That is why you can’t find good governance majority unless of there is a democracy. The reason is of involve decision making of the people, it’s involve people making their choices, it involves human right, it involves inclusiveness of people decision making rather of still involves of transperancy and accountability in all the activities of government to the peoples. Good Governance is usually found in democratic governance.


Politics and Governance is first of all allowed people to understand free and fair elections in Nigeria. Let have free and fair elections, let allow people to elect the people that they want in to power. The government pissitive away of impacting citizen lives in the country through a better inclusiveness and tarnsperancy, accountability and implications of necessary means of government to the people that they are governing .the politics and Governance it is about to brings a well being to the people, development to the society, provide right and freedom people have in a democratic region.


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