Best Health benefit and Side Effects of Mango Leaves

. Benefits of Mango Leaves for Diabetes: The tender mango leaves contain tannins named anthocyanidins which…

Importance and benefit of Mango leaves

Mango, the king of fruits, is quite popular throughout the world. Not only the taste and…

Importance of mango to human health

  Mangoes are tropical stone fruits, plump and oval in shape and about the size of…

Doctor’s Strike : Respect court order — MINILS DG urges Doctors

The Director-General of Micheal Imoudu National Institute for Labour Studies (MINILS), Ilorin Comrade Issa Aremu has…

Outbreak : Cholera outbreak kills 59 in Nasarawa

The NASARAWA State Government, on Thursday, confirmed the death of 59 people following Cholera outbreak in…

UNICEF : 120 Nigerian children infected with environmental polio.

The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, has said a total of 120 children in Nigeria have been…