Medicine and Health encompasses the study of the prevention, cure, and understanding of disease as well as the investigation of physical and mental wellbeing. Medicine and health is the study of the principles and procedures used in preventing, diagnosing, caring for and treating illness, disease and injury in humans, and the maintenance of general health. It also involves the study of drugs and medicine. This field of study develops an understanding of disease processes and mechanisms, the structure and function of the human body and mind, the restoration and maintenance of health, pain control, human behaviour and medical ethics. In addition, the field also studies the interaction between humans and their physical, biological and social environment; and the properties of drugs and medical products and their manufacture, control and use in the community and hospitals.
Impact of Medicine and Health on societal Development
Medicine is the social institution that seeks both to prevent, diagnose, and treat illness and to promote healthThe benefits of medicines are the helpful effects you get when you use them, such as lowering blood pressure, curing infection, or relieving pain. The risks of medicines are the chances that something unwanted or unexpected could happen to you when you use them. Advances in medicines have enabled doctors to cure many diseases and save lives.
Challenges encounters by Medicine and Health
Poor accomodations of patient needs Patient care can come in different forms. Because there are specific illnesses/diseases that need special attention, patient care units are installed to cater their medical needs. There are at least 7 major types of patient care outlets for those needing medical help. These are Primary, Specialty, Emergency, Urgent, Long-Term, Hospice and Mental Healthcare.
The health care system can hardly be called a system. Rather it is a dizzying array of highly decentralized sectors. Although the size of physician groups is growing, 37 percent of practicing physicians are still in solo or two-person practices (Center for Studying Health System Change. Inability to Assimilate the Increasingly Complex Science Base Over the last 50 years, there has been a steady increase in funding for biomedical research that has resulted in extraordinary advances in clinical knowledge and technology.
By Salihu Sani H21MC003


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