Blue ink newspaper ________ Orientation and matriculation: HUK poly management should give more focus on anti -drug abuse and cultism campaign within campus.

The beginning of cultism in our tertiary institutions has been traced to the activities of some young undergraduates of the then University College, Ibadan.  This group of people, all of whom in later years became prominent citizens, included Wole Soyinka, now a retired Professor and Nobel Prize winner, Pius Oleghe, Ralph Opara, Aig Imoukhuede, Nat Oyelola and Prof Olumuyiwa Awe. The people founded an association called the Pyrates Confraternity.  Their mission, they stated, was to abolish convention, revive the soul of the university and end tribalism and elitism. 

However, with time, their noble objectives were hijacked by our society’s delinquent young adults.  Secret cultism now has become a way of unleashing terror on student groups and the society at large. The cultists kill, maim and instil fear on several campus communities. In the book titled, “This Present Darkness: A history of Nigerian Organised Crime” Professor Stephen Ellis stated as follows about the evolution of these cults:

With student numbers increasing rapidly, there were further splits. Among new cults were the Vikings, Red Beret, Mafia, and dozens of others. Colleges in the Niger Delta region seem to have been particularly fertile ground for new groups, such as the Klansmen Confraternity, instituted at the University of Calaba campus r, and the Supreme Vikings Confraternity, Formed in 1984- at the University of Port Harcourt

…Holding their meetings at night and in secret, some of the new groups became associated with violent attacks on university campuses. Their behaviour moved far beyond the rather light-hearted mock-sinister that had been the original style of the Pyrates.

The fundamental problems of cultism are the uncertain and unsafe atmosphere in or campuses even to the activities of members of secret cult. Their manner of operation is both sinister and bizarre living behind them, a frail of wants destruction. Most distressing of the problems is the spate of killing in our campuses in recent times; many lives have been terminated permanently. 

In spite of measure put in place by the various arm of government and school administrators, aimed at combating the ugly trend of cultism, the phenomenon on our campuses has refused to be eradicated.

Many factors behind this ugly trend include: The overwhelming influence of peer pressures

poor parental background, society decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, honor and discipline and falling  standard of education. Others are violent electoral and political processes, Inadequate siting of fun or recreational centres like spas, steam baths, swimming pools, exercise, entertainment, athletic and playground among others factors.

Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic is one of the most revered citadel of learning in Nigeria. It achieved this feat through labour and hardwork. However, the school is being bedevilled with two giant phenomena ; drug abuse and cultism. Many cases were reported and many students were punished for violating the set standards of the institution. However, the reemergence of these two problems in recent days should be a wake up call to all stakeholders before it is too late.Drugs abuse is the indescriminated use of hard drugs by self administration for nonmedical purposes such that the physical, mental emotional or social state of the users is advisely affected when you take a chemical substance, which has a control influence out of your own volition. It is a misused, which is an abuse. Drug abuse is the use of any drugs by any person without a doctor prescription.

Large misuse of drug prescription present multifarious problems, which affect the individual, his immediate family and the society at large. Dropping out of school, loss of sense of responsibility, delicense acts, promisenuty few foment are some of the students. Acauired immune deficiency syndrome ( A.D.S) is one of the latest complication of drug dependences.

Like any other institution Hassan Usman katsina  polytechnic witness yet another cruel event the orientation and matriculation of the newly admitted students for the 2020/2021 academic session, where they matriculate the total number of 3,624 students.

The orientation and matriculation focus on the Do’s and Don’t ( regulations) of the polytechnic that will guide, conduct of the students. it also draw the attention of the newly admitted students on examination malpractice, dress code, signing out, a new demon in the institution and any other hidden bad behaviors.

All these are of great important but the most important issue the management of Hassan Usman katsina polytechnic should pay more attention on and focus on is that, the issues of cultism and drug abuse among their students as it has become the issue that most tertiary institution of nowadays face.

The just concluded orientation and matriculation ceremony which lasted for two days came with surprise as many students expect that, the focus of the occasion would be on the two pressing issues. Thus, the blue ink newspaper is hereby advising the management of HUK to as a matter of urgency beam it’s touch light on these issues of public interest. It is therefore imperative to provide solutions to the problems. Below are some of the recommendations that could help:

Public campaign against cultism

Different organizations, including the government, schools, religious institutions, and parents, should promote awareness against cultism. Seminars and workshops should be organized to discuss the dangers of cultism all over schools without leaving out the primary schools. This move will help in curbing the spread of cultism in schools and society at large.


Initially, discipline is part of education, and early childhood education largely determines the adult’s character. So, discipline is not a mere whim of parents or teachers, but an inherent component of the educational process, and will affect young and adult life. An undisciplined child – living without restrictions – does not know how to use his freedom. That is, the discipline collaborates in learning how to use freedom. The disciplined child learns to admit the restrictions that others place on him and, consequently, enjoy more freedom. Discipline is important because it helps the child to face the hardships imposed by life. A disciplined child is prepared for a serious and inexorable reality that he will face throughout his life: life will impose severe discipline on him. If he learns this in childhood, he will have no difficulty living a responsible adult life.

Government Standard

The government should also make laws to punish cultists for pushing away students and young people from joining these groups. The political leaders supporting them should also be put to judgment because they are damaging other children’s lives to make theirs better; this should not be tolerated if truly we want to curb or eradicate this menace in our society.


1………………..Editor in Chief Suleiman Umar muhammed

2…….,…..News Editor Hauwa Adamu

3…………Production Manager Yahaya Sanusi


Group 1


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