
By Michael Hope Adaugo

Civil engineering and construction is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the designs.Civil engineering is the construction or infrastructure ranging from building bridges, road, dams and any building structure is civil engineering.

Civil engineering and construction has it benefits and impact to the society and global world. We rely on civil engineering on many things, like shelter, building facilities and other infrastructure development to survive.

Society can not function without civil engineers, everything around us from road, buildings, Bridges and drainage system are expertly designed and crafted by civil engineers. Civil engineering and construction have a direct impact on society as without these infrastructure the world can not go about it’s everyday life. Civil engineering is a vital profession that shapes the built environment and improves the quality of life for millions of people.

Civil engineering and construction are facing some challenges, both economic dimension and physical dimension. When it comes to monetary affairs in Nigeria, we are facing a huge financial issues, other countries too, civil engineers are experiencing challenges of different kind but we are narrowing it to Nigeria, where we face low income challenge and lack of enough manpower.

These are some of the challenges faced by civil engineers which include:
• Safety problem
• Equipment malfunction
• Low income payment of workers
• Corruption
• Lack of manpower
To mention but few ,are the challenges civil engineers are facing in their daily activities.

In conclusion civil engineering and construction is all about structures that deals with design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment development.


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