Clinic activities of Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic

The Director of Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic Binta kuru Saulawa adviced Students who have some health issues like Asthma, anemia and sickle cell to always wear sweater and face mask.

In an interview with the acting director of the school clinic Binta Kuru Saulawa said that students living with bronchitis,anaemia,and sickle cell should always be on their sweaters and facemask especially this cold season because if they refuse to do so, little headache can arouse the sickness in their body.

Binta kuru the director of the clinic said that the activities of the clinic is into three section,there is morning, evening, and night section,some of the workers comes to work 8am and stays up till 2pm in the afternoon, evening shifts starts from 2pm to 9pm.

According to her,in the morning there are many nurses in the clinic,like the dressers, injection persons, sanitary nurse, laboratory and pharmacy.the chief pharmacy is always available for students who wants to collect drugs.

She added that, the laboratory men are two in numbers ,they are in charge of different types of investigation being written by the students or any patient.

In addition,the school ambulance drivers, are available to carryout their duties for the 24hours,they comes to work 7am to 7pm then the driver who is in night shift will stay uptill the next morning and leaves 7am for the evening shift.

Uchenna Anthony reporting for HUK poly


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