The pioneer college of liberal studies director endeared his mission on improving the college to fit the best college in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic.

This was contained in an interview with college director Alhaji Yahaya Danladi by HND II mass communication students at his office.

In an interview, the director expressed his gratitude to Almighty Allah being the pioneer director of the college, same as he shows his happiness and appreciation to be counted as the first person to chair this well organized college among others of the institution.

He narrates that, all possible efforts and needful hands are putting together for the continue existing, smooth running and the prosperity of the college of liberal studies, in which he disclosed some of strategies adopted in enhancing the integration of the college.

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Upon establishment of the college and resuming office, the working committee was formed he says. The committee that comprises Academic, whose shouldered the responsibility of monitoring wellbeing of both staffs and students in the college headed by HOD’s and chief lecturer’s of various department under the college.

The Induction committee on the other hand, is a working committee spearheading the orientation and induction of newly staffs and students for the safe landing of their academic endeavors. While the welfare committee was set purposely to soften some challenges and obstacles encountered by the staffs and students in the college.

On part of the legacies of his administration was annual event of mass comm Dazz, a one week entertainment program at the department of mass communication which never happened before, but now established and declared it annual ceremony.

The college also established an eatery around the college surroundings, which provide variety services in food to ease the victual deficiency suffered by both staffs and students in the college.

Furthermore, the working committee formed by the college and forward a memorandum, insinuate the institution to prepare and organized a National Public Lecture, tribute and accolade to the late major Hassan Usman Katsina, which never happened but now to be conducted.

The director college of liberal studies hope that, in this year Tetfund Annual Intervention Programme,college of liberal studies will be renovated, the project that worth over two hundred millions naira. He also proposed for new practical studios for the department of mass communication to Tetfund Intervention Programme for the students to pursue their practicals in a sound conditions.

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