Construction of buildings,bridges,roads and dams in civil engineering


Construction of buildings,bridges,roads and dams in civil engineering
Civil engineering is one of the most rampant discipline of engineering, it is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering. Civil engineering is an engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment,including public works such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, pipelines, structural components of buildings and railways . Civil engineering involves mainly construction of infrastructures, I.e  houses, duplexes etc.
civil engineering, the profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, such as dams, bridges, aqueducts, canals, highways, power plants, sewerage systems, and other infrastructure. The term was first used in the 18th century to distinguish the newly recognized profession from military engineering, until then preeminent. From earliest times, however, engineers have engaged in peaceful activities, and many of the civil engineering works of ancient and medieval times—such as the Roman public baths, roads, bridges, and aqueducts; the Flemish canals; the Dutch sea defenses; the French Gothic cathedrals; and many other monuments—reveal a history of inventive genius and persistent experimentation.

Civil engineering traces back to medieval times past the Egyptian pyramids, the Greek Acropolis and the Roman aqueducts. It’s also responsible for close to all the useful structures that modern society cannot live without, such as roads, bridges, schools, railways, hospitals and office blocks. You can join the profession and take part in shaping, building, maintaining and expanding societies. In this article, we explore what civil engineering is and how you can become a civil engineer.

Civil engineering is very important  in the country, because without  infrastructure it will deeply affect  the economy , when they is good roads transportation of goods or products  into the market or from one place to another will be easier. Also with the building if dams, the fisherman will be able to catch and sell fishes to make they own income.
Making the world an easier and safer place to live, without civil engineers we would not have safer homes, cohesive road system or hospitals.
civil engineering also help to solve infrastructure problem within society by providing strong stable and sustainable solutions.
Many structures designed and developed by civil engineers last for a long time.This means society can benefit from an engineer’s work for many years. The lasting impact you can have on a community as a civil engineer is invaluable.

Quake engineers : which means those that are not engineers but call themselves engineers. Lake of equipment: will make the engineers not to do good work or construction the why this days we find a lot of buildings  collapsing because of lack equipment.  
Corruption : this days many people  have realize that civil engineering  particularly they is money so they will run to the field without having  knowledge of it.
Another challenge is the issue of traffic congestion. With more and more people living in urban areas, the problem of traffic congestion is only getting worse.
Another challenge is the issue of aging infrastructure.Much of the infrastructure in our cities and towns were built many years ago and is now in need of repair or replacement. issue of climate change.Among these are finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, designing more resilient infrastructure to withstand natural disasters, and developing innovative approaches to managing water resources.


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