First day in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic

 First day in Hassan Usman kastina state polytechnic was in late December 2017,I came for my registration. l got to know about my admission late because I never knew until a friend of mine called and informed me that she saw my name on the admission list (Gracias TONIA). After the information I came down here(kastina) with my credentials, straight to central admin office, come and see crowds (student) everywhere. l was shocked because my plan was to go home that same day, I stood from a distance observing the environment, people going fro and back with files,bags and some carrying their credentials in customized bags just like mine😊,l said to my self going back home was never an option so I join the queue and waited patiently till it got to my turn that was around 2:00pm,He directed me to my department for signing at that time I was hungry, thirsty, no much strength left(tired). l was about taking a bike then saw a guy sell snacks and drinks (inner joy)I then told the bike man that I'm hungry and want to buy snacks he should please allow me to buy and he said no problem,sharp sharp I bought it and he carried me to Mass communication department,I came down and paid him. 
       There again I spot another set of people,I felt like crying 😭,so I just walked up to a lady and ask her about the HOD office which she directed me,I went in greeted him and gave Him my course Form and credentials he went through it and asked me to sign on my course Form before handling it to him,then he bend his head and was checking for my name on his list,I signed and gave him the Form and he said "Ah you just signed where am supposed to sign and I scream Ahhhhhhhh  I'm finished ooooo he looked at me and said "calm down" and took his pen and signed boldly and I also signed where necessary and left his office....
          From there I trekked to the academic office because it was very close,I made inquiry of the last person and told her "I'm at your back" and she said no problem ooo and I went out to eat my snacks......Not quite long the academic secretary said they are closing now because is almost 5pm that the rest of us should write our names down that we are going to be the first batch he will attend to come Monday because that was Friday. l then checked time it was almost 5pm ooooo,No bus going to Kano and I have no where to sleep,I felt like crying and I did silently.........
     The story still continue but lemme drop my pen here...

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