Governor Masari 12-point Order, which takes effect from August 31, 2021, totally bans transportation

Governor Aminu Bello Masuri 12-point Order, which takes effect from August 31, 2021, totally bans the transportation (trucking) of cattle from Katsina State to any other state in the country,
He banned trucks/lorries from carrying firewood from the bush, the sale of all animals at the Jibia, Batsari, Safana, Danmusa, Kankara, Malumfashi, Charanchi, Mai’aduwa, Kafur, Faskari, Sabuwa, Baure, Dutsinma markets and Kaita Local Government Areas.
According to Punch he signed into law the Security Challenges Containment Order with a view to closing some of the security gaps in the state.
He also banned the sale of second-hand motorcycles at Charanchi market and the carrying of 3 persons on motorcycles as well as carrying more than 3 passengers on a tricycle.
In addition, the Security Challenges (Containment) Order also imposed a (total) closure on Jibia-Gurbi Baure road to all motorists, with travellers playing the road to use the alternative Funtua road until further notice, and (the closure of) Kankara-Sheme road to all commercial vehicles, who are similarly advised to go through Funtua.
However, private non-commercial vehicles may play the road if they wish.
Furthermore, the Order also limits the sale of fuel of NOT more than N5,000.00 to motorists to ONLY 2 designated filling stations in Jibia, Batsari, Safana, Danmusa, Zaka kara, Faskari, Sabha, Dandume, Musawa, Matazu, Dutsinma, Kurfi, Danja and Kafur Local Government Areas, even as it reinforces the prohibition of the sale of petrol in Jerrycans at filling stations.
The Order reinforced the ban on the operation of commercial tricycles and motorcycles from 10.00am to 6.00am in the state capital and 6.00pm to 6.00 am in the Front Line Local Government Areas.
The Order, however, permits identified essential workers (health personnel, security personnel and journalists) to use tricycles and motorcycles BEYOND the banned periods.


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