Hassan Usman katsina polytechnic student decries trekking from hostel to class

Student living in the hostel decries transport problem to the lecture premises.student of Hassan Usman katsina polytechnic fine it difficult to meet up with lecture on time due to the distance and lack of bus, this was discussed with some students in the institution.

According to same of the student,who that complain the expenses of using motorcycle is much for them as student because they also have other expenses like assignment and photocopy of handout.

One of the students Joy added that she some time miss lecture most expenclly morning lecture , because of the lack of bus in the hostel to their department.

Meanwhile in an interview with the transport officer of the institution mallam yakuba said it is an order from the school management,he said the institution order that all bus are to stop at each bus stop every department not in the department and the students should walk down to their respective department

However the students call on the institution to find ways of easing the transport from hostel to classes.


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