The president of students union government of hassan usman katsina polytechnic, comrade Hamisu Bello who resumed office for the 2019/2021 session talked about the achievement and challenges faced by him and his officials.

In an interview him in his office, he mention that upon assuming the office they discovered that the students find it difficult to have a good mutual understanding with the school management.

Com. Hamisu said that before he and his officials assume their offices, they had their aim and objectives and were left with no other choice than to first bridge the gap between students and management of the school which they achieved.

Hamisu indicated that attaining the office as the president of SUG is one of his greatest achievement.

He further expressed that time factor has been a big challenge to them because there is limited time to run their administration. Like wise, increment of students registration fees and the cholera outbreak are some of the challenge they faced.

Hamisu added that they have so many plans for the students which include donation of drugs to the school clinic, installation of water passage pipe in block A and B and also provision of notice board in block C among others.

Meanwhile the president made us to understand that the money SUG gets is from the students and it is also supposed to be used for the students welfare.

Further more, Com. Hamisu said SUG will be motivating the cleaner by awarding any head cleaner of the cleanest hostel in the institution.


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