Hukpoly inaugurates SUG executives

Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic inaugurates the elected executives for the 2021/2022 academic session at the multi purpose hall.In an interview with comrade Ahamad Bala Ahamad the president of Student Union Government of Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic in the multi purpose Hall of the Institution.
He expressed joy saying the Matriculation day was a joyful day for him and his other executives , it was a dream come true to become the S.U.G president of the Institution.
He said, he and is other Excos have many plans which one of which is changing the procedure for acquiring the hostel accommodation.he propose changing the procedure of the registration from manual to online base, and other pending issue like the Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic Portal,he added that the release of student examination result should be released through the student portal and not on the the notice board, and the issue of Unhealthy Environment in the hostel will be looked into by his administration .
Finally, He adviced the newly admitted students and the continuous Students to be more focused, avoid cultism and negative peer group. He urge them to be serious and well behaved, to read and pray more.


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