Hukpoly matriculates new students

The Rector of Hassan usman katsina polytechnic shuns student to stay away from custism, examination malpractice and indecent dressing while been serious with their education.
According to him, a total of 2899 students were admitted into the 2021/2022 academic session. This was a shortfall from the 4302 students that was admitted in the 2020/2021 session.This is deficit of 1403 students. This and the raise in prices of goods and services have reduced the internally generated revenue (IGR) of the institution.
He specifically welcome the new students to Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic.
The Rector told the students that, the main reason they are here is to learn , therefore,they should be close to their books,while obeying the school rules and regulations.
He listed the number of colleges in the polytechnic starting from the college of Administration and management studies which has four departments,College of Agriculture, four departments, College of environmental studies,four departments,college of liberal studies which has five departments,college of Engineering,four departments ,colleage of science and technology with seven department and the college for vocation and technical education, and some units that ensures the smooth running of the institution which includes ICT,polytechnic clinic ,works and services unit and the Registry units.
He brought the attention of the students to the school rules and regulations. The school disciplinary committee is there to discipline any student found wanting or breaking the law. He highlighted some of the socio-educational bad behaviours found on campuses in Nigeria which includes Examination malpractice,Drugs Abuse,cultism, and improper dressing which causes uneasiness in the society.
The rector also called on all the staff of the polytechnic to support the students that have been entrusted to them.To offer them moral and academic training so that they become good and resourceful members of the society. He also advise the academic staff to shy away from aiding students from committing examination malpractice,this can be done by attending their lectures and doing the needful.But if they stay away from classes and rush the students towards the end of the semester,They are prompting the students to cheat during examination . He told them to do the job they are been employed to do.
He thanked the government through the special adviser for all the support the polytechnic have been receiving from the administration of his Excellency Hon.Aminu Bello Masari, especially for the 35 million Naira approved for the accreditation exercise in the polytechnic.
The polytechnic will be having some staff of the National Board for technical Education NBTE for the accreditation of some of the following courses which include,
1.) National diploma, Environmental health. 2.)National diploma, pharmaceutical technology. 3.) National diploma, Survey and Geo informatics 4.) National diploma, Mechanical Engineering.5) Higher national diploma science laboratory technology,6) Higher National diploma SLT, Micro biology option,7.) Higher National diploma, Civil Engineering technology,and 8.) Higher National diploma,Mechanical engineering. He appealed to all staff to give support to departments involved for the success of this exercise.

He ended his speech with a special appreciation to the department of higher education under the leadership of Dr.Muhammed Bashir Ruwangodiya for the support the institution is receiving from the department of higher education, the members of governing council, and all the staff both academic and non academic for all their contributions to this institution. He appreciated the efforts of staff union of polytechnic,senior staff association of Nigerian polytechnic to the polytechnic.

Finally,the students under the umbrella of the student’s union government (SUG),and wish the students success in their academic.


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