Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has  described Igbos as the leading tribe and builders of the nation’s economy.

Buhari who gave the submission in an appreciation message posted on his Facebook account on Friday, thanking the Imo State Government for warm reception accorded him  during his visit to the state on Thursday.

The purpose of the visit is to commission some infrastiractural projects and to meet with the leaders of the region as so earlier mentioned by The president’s Special Adviser on Media and publicity, Femi Adesina said the purposes of the was to commission some developmental projects and to equally meet with the leadership of the region.

According to the post, President Buhari was quoted to have said, ” There is no town someone will visit in Nigeria without seeing the Igbos being in charge of economic activities in that particular area, adding that no parts of Nigeria that is not belong to Igbos.

During the historic working visit, Buhari  promised to complete all Government ongoing key projects in the South East, including the 2nd Niger bridge and other major highways, as well as the railway lines and routes linking the region so also the other part of the country

Southeast region is where the leader of the proscribed indigenous people of BIAFARA, IPOB, Nnmadi Kanu and the members of the group who are agitating for Biafara Nation are.

If you could record Kanu who is facing   11 count charges including terrorism and other criminal activities has been brought back to Nigeria in 2021 by the DSS in order to continue facing trial after disappearing and not been seen in the Country since he was released on bail in 2017.


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