Mallama Binta Hamisu Tafashiya Warns Student Against Indecent Dressing.

Mallam Binta Hamisu Tafashiya of Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic Katsina State has warned students against indecent dressing.

Mallam Binta Hamish Tafashiya made this charge on Wednesday 22nd September during the orientation of the newly admmitted students (HND1,NDN1,DIPLOMA and NCE).

She added, the institution has zero tolerance for misconduct, adding the authorities would not hesitate to sanction anyone caught, tried and found guilty of indecent dressing.

However, she implore all the students to shoe respect to their colleagues and members of staff in the Polytechnic in other to make their stay fruitful and productive ; be modest and decent in their dressing.

She Urged all the female students to always cover all the sensitive part of the body to avoid problem and also not to put on transparent clothing because that is how you will be addressed.

In a similar development, she stated the penalties for improper dressing as: verbal warning for the first time of offence, a written warning for repeated offence and a copy of the letter would be filled in the students personal file in the department, suspension for repeating the offence the second time and expulsion from the polytechnic for repeating the offence the third time.

Meanwhile, she pleaded on all the students to respond to situations and conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner. And to always abide by the regulations, rules and Lawson the land and conform to such regulation and instructions as may be made or given by the Polytechnic Governing Council.


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