Maria Made A Mistake That Made Her Leave BBNaijaS6 Show Early

BBNaija season 6 shine your eye’s show on July 25 2021 Maria chike is the 17th house mates to enter the show and was later evicted from the show alongside with other house mates.

The eviction of Maria was a shock to the BBNaija viewers.She is one of the house mates with the highest number of fans.

While in the BBNaija house, she gained the like of so many viewer’s and because of how she manage her tasks and the wild card game from the on set of the show.Maria wouldn’t have been evicted from the show,she made a mistake that made the viewers upset.

She nominated whitemoney for eviction when the veto power was given to her and pere after a successfully played wild cards game.

Therefore, instead of whitemoney fans voting for her last week,they cast their vote for the house mates that were in good terms with whitemoney.

However, Maria was in good terms with whitemoney from the beginning of the show, later with drawn back herself from him because she feel whitemoney dislike her.

Had it been Maria resolved her issue with whitemoney and clear her doubt,she would have not made the mistake of nominating him twice for eviction and viewers would have voted for her and safe her from eviction.


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