Mark Zuckerberg reviews Apples vision  pro and Questa sharing insights on their features and functionalities. The article discusses Zuckerberg’s perspective on these products and their potential impact on the tech industry. The varge :now that it can strapped to our faces and worn in strange place, opinion about apple’s vision pro are flying left and right.

        Entering the chat is meta CEO mark Zuckerberg who has move at stake than perhaps anyone on earth. If Apple does this headset what the iPhone did to smart phone. In a video posted to his Instagram account on Tuesday, Zuckerberg gives his official verdict on the vision pro versus his company’s lestest Quest 3headset :”I don’t  just think that Quest is the better value, I think Quest is better product, period.”

     While being film by the Quest 3’video pass through system in his living room, Zuckerberg highlights the trade off Apple made to get the fanciest display possible into something that can be worn on your head in an acceptable form factor. He says the Quest 3 weight 120 grams less marking it more comfortable to wear for longer. He also say it allows for greater motion due to its lack of a wired battery pack and wider field of view than the vision pro.

                He thinks the Quest’s option of physical hand controllers and hand tracking for input is better,though he’s a fan of eye tracking for some use case and teases that it will return to future meta headset after debuting in the Quest pro


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