The department of mass communication in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic has organized a send forth occasion to it’s retired staffs in accolades of their tireless effort and contribution to the enhancement of the department.

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This was contained in a statement presented by the Head of Department during the departmental meeting which held at news room of the department.

In their reaction to the motion raised, members in presence shows their appreciation and support in carrying such events as it bring unity and bound the cordial relationship with each other, in same view, a committee was set to come up with a working plan on the occasion conduct.

Dr. Mukhtar El-khasim was among the retired staff to be honoured, he served under the departmentstart for about 16years, among the responsibilities he held are examination office and HOD office, he is also the pioneer PhD holder in the department of mass communication of HUK polytechnic. He’s also an author of many books in the field of Public Relations, among which are; “validating An Online Integrated Relationship And Interactivity Model (A structural Equation Modelling)”, Public Perception on Community Policing Programme (An Empirical Study)”, ” Leveraging on Social Media To Enhance Organization Public Relationship (OPR) Utilizing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)”.

Among other retiring staff are, Madame Rose Merry, the contract technologist and Madame Jummai sectary to HOD office, whose served the department with highly dedication and commitment towards the it’s development.
The send forth occasion to be hold on 17th September, 2021 at mass communication department, college of liberal studies council meeting room. The department urge staffs from other department to endeavor attend this virtual send forth occasion.

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