My name is Destiny Joseph and I will be narrating my experience on my first day at HUK POLY.

    For someone that just finished secondary school and was opportune to gain Admission into HUK POLY to study Mass communication,I’d say everything was just strange and I was clueless on what lied ahead of me,I got to the school gates and was directed to the central Administration office where I would continue with my registration process,I left the CA block and had to go look for my own department because my HOD and also Academic Secretary had to sign on some papers before I would be given a registration number that qualified me to be a student in the school. The distance from the CA block to my department was a bit far and at this point I was already tired and was really hungry,on reaching the academic secretary’s office I met a really long queue of students who were also there to get their registration number,I felt like crying because I was already exhausted,luckily for me after series of waiting my name was called and He cross checked my documents to be sure I had brought all the credentials I was asked to bring and then he signed on my papers and gave me my registration number.

I didn’t just want to leave without locating my class,so after leaving the office I started asking around for directions so I could locate my class,unfortunately on reaching my class there was a lecturer inside and I didn’t know he doesn’t allow any student to enter the class once he is inside,so I just went back and sat outside the class bought sachet water to quench my thirst and was waiting for the lecturer to finish with his lectures,when he left I went back to the class,greeted the people I saw in the class who happened to be my course mates;I asked one of them to please lend me their note so I could copy since I missed the class,after copying the note,I then asked if we would be having other lectures and I was told that we won’t be having lectures again,since it’s the first day of resumption classes weren’t that serious,so I took my bag and started walking gradually to the gate where I would pick a bike and head back home.

Although my first day was stressful and awkward but it still remains one of the best days of my life cause that was the beginning of another fresh chapter in my life.


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