My first day at the polytechnic is an important event of my life,to me it’s an unforgettable moment.

The day i had to resume school i got up so early that morning due to an improper sleep during that previous night, it was due to the anxiety to start fresh with my life .Got to the school gate and stop staring at the school logo “success through labour “, immediately things start going through my head, the word labour, because my belive was polytechnics are always simple and easy why is their logo saying hard-working (labour), just said to my self hope you sign up for this so let the real deal begins.

I found the college campus really beautiful and big, i started loving the environment even though my registration process was very hectic and a strange experience.

The next day I prepared for class knowing my department was very far from the hostel, decided to trekke it down to the department, sweating and breathing high, entered the class and the lecturer was in the class already greeted and looked for a sit to seat. The lecturer spent 3 hours lecturering ,something have never experience in my life before, sitting at a spot for good 3 hours listening to teaching, i was so tired , before i could rest for 10 minutes another lecturer came in again, it continues till 4pm the lectures was over i head back to the hostel. Getting to the hostel, only for me to fetch water to shower and cook, there was no single water at the reservoir, i had to seat back and wait for almost 2 hours before they brought water.

It was quite a life experience at, hassan usman katsina polytechnic kastina state.


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