My first day at HUK Poly was one of the best day of my life, right from gaining admission to traveling away from home to come and experience what is waiting for me in Katsina.

I entered school (HUK POLY)the next day to process my admission, I first went to central admin and met alot of people, it wasn’t that hard because I had my sister and friend close to me. Thanks to them everything I needed to do wasn’t stressful because they showed me everything and every where to enter, after I finished we headed to mass communication department, though it wasn’t how I expected but I headed to where I was supposed to finish up but I was exhausted already and my dressing was very funny because am not really a fan of long dresses, but there’s a saying that if you go to Rome behave like the Romans. I just had to adapt to the rules and regulations.

After a long day, I finally finished the signing and was given my registration number N18MC080, I immediately started learning how to write it down, I did it with my friend and we headed to the main department to collect note from our new course mate and he gladly gave us.

I thank God for gaining admission into HUK POLY, because I was given a new sister who understands me and we learnt alot together.


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