My first day at HUK poly

My names are waliyat mosunmola abdulsalam ,my first day was a great experience and it was and unforgettable day for me. Actually I never thought That I will be coming here to further my studies, I was offered mass communication course, so I packed my bags and started my journey to kastina I also felt very anxious and nervous when I first came to Hassan usman polytechnic.

Furthermore, I haven’t travelled far distances states before plus I have to start a new life in a place that is unfamiliar to me, But I have put all my courage together to come down to kastina to pursue my higher studies and begin a very exciting adventures of life time.

On getting there it was very sunny so I went straight to the cafe to start my registration I meant a lots of queue, I went to the restaurant to take my lunch, I went back to the cafe i did my registration and I was directed to the central admin to submit my form and I was told go to my department to submit another file and collect my receipts.

I went straight to the class to feed my eye on getting there, there was a lecturer in the class I was permitted to come in. After the class I went to get a room at the hotel “OMG” ( oh my goodness) it was another registration entirely. My first day at HUK polytechnic was so stressful but fun.


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