My first day in Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic was a memorable day. I can never forget my first day as it was filled with joy and excitement but also I was nervous.
I have always imagined what it will feel like to be in a higher national diploma program. I pictured it to be hectic and and at the same time fun. My registration process was a quick success as I had people to easily show me around to the registration offices and point out the necessary document to be signed and submitted.
I got to the department of mass communication at exactly 7:55 am and was finding it difficult to locate the HND 1 lecture hall. I decided to ask for directions from a student but he could not give me the right direction I was stressed out and worried that I might not make it to class in time on my first day. It was around 8:25 am. when I could find the right person to give me the location of the lecture hall. A girl that goes by the name blessing, I was very happy as she told me she’s also from HND 1 mass communication. She informed me that were having a C.A test that very morning, that was when the nervousness sets in as it was my first day and I had no idea of what to write down in the test.
On getting to class, I met some guys who helped me with their books for a quick study of the test. I was able to provide little answer questions as I was not well prepared and nervous.
The day went on with two other lectures which were very interesting as the lecturers took their time to explain and entertain questions. I made a friend on my first day in school. My first day in Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic was a memorable and exciting day. I also got a motivating quote from her motto which says success through labour.


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