My First Day In Huk Poly

   My Name is Rapheal Nnamuchi, and I’ll be enumerating my first day at Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, which was my first time being in the state (Katsina) as well. 

      IT was really sunny that day,  when I stepped my foot on the soil of HUK, i said to myself like in my mind “ Wow, the school is big but not contained with Buildies  but  Bushes all around”. I’ve been told stories about the school and the department I applied  for, which my sister was once a student here and which happens to be the same course she read “ Mass communication”. 

       Further more, She told me all I’d need to know and also told me  about the stress I’m going to be facing ahead when I get to the school, which I encouraged myself and made up my mind to work with the conduct and process of the school because I’ve written Jamb for like 3 times before gaining an admission into HUK. 

       However, I was so hungry when I came into state/ school, then I had to buy a fast food, they sell there in school, to gain my strength and start my activities for the day. After my meal, I went to the Central Admin Block ,with the help of peoples directions , and all my paper’s and required document were check and signed by those who are  meant to sign, well I got so lucky enough that I could complete my registration process in a day and when i went to the Academic Secretary, there wasn’t many people there ,that was waiting for the Academy Secretary to attend to them, because his in charged of giving the student  Registration Number, which was done manually back then but ThankGod today, it’s been done in a more stressfree way with the help of Technology today.  So I was lucky I got my registration number that day without no stress and I went to look for my class there at the department, when I note it was just only 4-5 people in the class , everyone was quite which is usual because everyone was new. 

       However, I could not stay in the class that day but I made sure I spoke to one Person which was Abba Batholomew , which we exchanged contact and I told him I was going to call him later in the evening so we could further more discussion about the resumption , because he seems to be gentle and he acted like we’ve  known each other for long, although he’s  a calm and nice  person. So I called him later that evening and we spoke, he briefed  me a little about things of which his words helped me. I stayed all through the week at the hostel, because lectures wasn’t serious then.

     In conclusion, my first day at the school wasn’t even fun, but stressful as hell, like the school slogan says, “Success Through Hard Labour”. It was really hard and so different for me that day, but thank God for all he did all through my stay in the school, because it was something so different back then,  because everything was new to me. 


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