“My First Day in HUK Poly” – Aminu S. Ahmad

My name is Aminu Saidu Ahmad, the story was so long, but has to be minimized in a short and precise style. Despite the fact that the story is of two kind that is during my National Diploma and during my HND, this article is mainly for the first happening when I have been admitted to study National Diploma in Mass Communication.

As every newly admitted student of higher institution of learning, my first day in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic was so excited. I felt so bored at the first time because it’s my first time being in a place that combine people of different cultures, norms, religions and even languages like this.

This happened in Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018, I could remember I acted like a fool but deep inside I know what I am up to, this is because I already know you must bow (obey) in order to learn new things in life either from the people around you or from your teachers (lecturers).

I have tried all I can to make sure that I’ve attended at least one lecture at that day because I am busy carrying out my registration with I must finish before then I will be given registration number (matric number) with is totally in opposition of the registration of nowadays in which a student will get a registration number immediately after paying tuition fees (school fees).

I understood that all the students in the queue waiting for signature is not their first day being there, so I can’t have the signature at that time which led me to find the lecture hall and let myself be counted in.

After stepping into the class I was very isolated because I felt like all the class members were looking at me before I realize that they are just doing their businesses only the ones beside me know with me there.

We had a very nice lecture at that time but right from the beginning of the lecture up to its closure I neither utter a word nor smile so highlight my expression because since I am admitted I promised myself I won’t be friendly until I select the type of friends I can be with.

After returning back to hostel, another problem were there because of the huge number of people need to be accommodated into the various rooms. After seeing these people I just surrender and move to my friend’s room where I parked my stuffs so that I can rest and have my launch and wait for the next day to continue with the struggle.


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