Out of school children: State government responsible, says Osinbajo.

The presidency on Tuesday said the federal government was not the cause of most of the problems associated with the education sector in Nigeria, adding that it is the responsibility of state government.

Vice president Yemi Osinbajo ( SAN), made the clarification while declaring open a two day national dialogue on girls with the theme ‘National dialogue on girls: towards a girl-friendly Nigeria in Abuja.
As reported by Punch News,the programme was jointly organized by the African Child policy forum, Women Arise for change initiative and the Africa-wide movement for children, with the attendance of many dignitaries.

Osinbajo identified social and cultural prejudice as some of the powerful factor against the girl child in Nigeria, stressing that despite efforts by the federal government to curtail the menace, state and local government also have roles to play.
The vice president also said ” when we talk about out-of school children and problems associated with education, we tend to focus at the federal government where as the federal government does not run primary school. It is the business of state and local government.

Furthermore, he adviced victims of child abuse not to take it as the end of life, adding that example exist in large amount of such victims that have shrugged it off to make it in life.
Earlier, Minister of Women affairs and social development, Dame Pauline Tallen describe the dialogue as a clarion call on government as well as well-meaning individuals to support the girl child.


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