Outbreak : Cholera outbreak kills 59 in Nasarawa

The NASARAWA State Government, on Thursday, confirmed the death of 59 people following Cholera outbreak in the state.

The Director of Public Health in the State Ministry of Health, Dr. Ibrahim Adamu Alhassan, disclosed this in an interview with journalists in Lafia, explained that since the outbreak of cholera in the state about six months ago, 892 cases have been recorded with 59 deaths.

According to Dr. Alhassan, the disease has been reported in eight out of the 13 local government areas of Doma, Lafia, Wamba, Kokona, Obi, Nasarawa, Toto and Karu
However, the most of the communities that the disease have been reported practiced open defecation and lacked potable drinking water.

He added that the state government had taken measures to contend further spread of the disease by involving a multisectoral approach, including expansion of sensitisation campaigns and identification of the affected communities to provide them with motorized boreholes among others.

The director advised the  residents of the state to maintain hygiene and report cases promptly to the medical facilities around them for urgent
attention as government remained committed to the health need of the people.

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