At the wedding fatiha of Bilkisu Isma’il, daughter of Dr. Isma’il Balarabe of mass communication department, Hassan Usman Katsina polytechnic and Haruna Shan’una.

The wedding ceremony which took place Saturday 28th August, 2021 by 11:00am at Unguwar Shariffai, Rafin-Dadi Katsina.

A chief Imam unguwar shariffai mosque, Sheriff Abbati leds the wedding session in accordance to the Islamic teachings, and the sum of fifty thousand naira (#50,000) was given as Dowry in the presence of massive attendants.

The occasion that witnessed the presence of Government officials, Dignitaries, HUK staffs and media correspondents, amidst special advisor to the Katsina States Governor on higher education, Dr. Usman Bashir Ruwan-Godiya, rector Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Dr. Ibrahim Mudi Kurfi, Mukhtar El-Khasim Phd, and Dr. Muttaqa Rabe Drama, founder Pleasant Library and Book Club among many other well wishers within and outside the institution.

At the reception venue in Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic multipurpose Hall, the staff of Mass Communication department and those from other department of the institution in presence, expressed their delightedness, best wishes and joyously marital life to the couples.

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