The 10 Most Religious Countries In The World

Check out the top 10 most religious countries in the world and their religious level, starting from 10

10. Lebanon

Lebanon is located in the eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea and not to far from the Syrian border, it is a Levantine country which is occupied by the northern Arabian.

Labanon is ranked 10th in the religious level, and 73 in the overall level.

9. Oman

Oman is located on the southeast corner of the Arabian Peninsula clos to the Persian Gulf, and the Arabian sea. Oman is ranked 9th in the religious level, and 71 in the best overall level.

8. Qatar

Qatar is an Islamic country which is ruled by the number of local and foreign powers, it is ranked 8th in the religious level and 30 in the overall level.

7. Turkey

Turkey is the home of the Sunni Muslims and unique intersection of culture, the country is occupied by muslims, traditional believers and the Christians. Extravagant mosques and cathedrals can both be found within blocks of the Grand Bazaar in the city of Istanbul.

Turkey is ranked 7th in the religious level, and 35 in the overall level.

6. Jordan

Jordan is the one of the countries in the world that has small economic and lacks natural resources, the small country located on land of ancient biblical significance. Jordan is ranked 6th in the religious level, and 64 in the overall level.

5. Egypt

Egypt is an Islamic country and a Arab nation that uses Arabic as their official language, it is ranked 5th in the religious level and 36 in the overall religion level.

4. United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates(UAE) is also called Dubai, the country consist of seven (7) emirates which is the country, the wedged between Saudi and Oman, wetlands, waterless mountains, coastlines that stretch along the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, and it’s rocky desert.

The country is ranked 4th in the religious level and 22 in the overall religion level.

3. India

Indians are known as the worshipper of Hindu and Buddha even though it is the world’s second most populated country, it is ranked 3rd in the religious level, and 25 in the overall religion level.

2. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the home of muslims and the Mecca is located there, most of the people in the country are Arab and their rich and wealthy Peninsula. The country is ranked 2nd in the religious level, and 31 in the overall religion level.

1. Israel

Israel is a country that is populated with the Jewish people, it is located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea. Although Israel is a small country, but it has a strong economy.

Israel is ranked 1st in the religious level, and 29 in the overall level.

Thanks for reading, hope you learnt something today.


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