The Need for Food and Security in Nigeria

peaceful environments should be created for farmers to resettle and muster more strength towards cultivating the vast abandoned arable lands in order to boost agricultural production in the country.

The right to sufficient food is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in subsequent international law. Food security is regarded as a situation whereby all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient food to meet their dietary needs for a productive and healthy life. Food security is ensured when food becomes available, affordable as well as accessible.

However, it is good to note that, food security is not simply having sufficient and adequate quantities of various staple foodstuffs but, it also entails access to the entire citizenry to these food items at affordable prices. It further means that not only must we engage in mass food production, but also we need to ensure that most Nigeria have sufficient purchasing power to acquire food items that guarantee good feeding and nutrition.

Food security has to do with the absence of threats of hunger or malnutrition people face in their lives. In a broad sense, it entails safety from basic physiological needs. The lack of safety will be manifested in chronic hunger or starvation and malnutrition.

Additionally, there is also Presidential Economic Diversification Initiative (PEDI), launched in 2017 in order to support the revival of moribund industries especially agro-processing ones through facilitating investment, reducing regulatory bottlenecks and enabling access to credit.

he latest Federal Government directives on the establishment of farm estates in 109 Senatorial districts across the nation deserves an accolade. This mandated is to be realized by the recently resuscitated National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA), which has already commissioned its first integrated farm estate in Katsina and other states. Across all the country, each farm is expected to engage in rearing of poultry, fish and livestock, apiculture, crop farming, packaging and processing respectively,With this development, it is hopeful that the country will be able to achieve food security and attain self-sufficiency in food production within a near future.

  1. Bandits impose tax on katsina farmers
  2. Despite Banditry, katsina generate N393m in Agriculture sector

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