On the 7th of February 2024, Hassan Usman katsina Polytechnic first semester result was pasted.

The students were in high spirit as the wait for result is finally over.

Speaking to the assistant examination officer of Mass Communication Department, Mallam Ibrahim Muhammed, said the result is good as the students did well in most classes.

He stated that the poor performed students was as a result of their background.

Balarabe Sanusi a student of Public Administration said in an interview that “ the result will serve as a wake up call for the students to study hard for the next semester”.

Also Emmanuel Agbaje from Computer Science, also made emphasis that the issue of understanding the concept being taught in class should be well understood by students . He further said, for students to put into consideration the effort of their parents to raise money for their tuition.

According to some students, the result is fair to them and advises the others not to relent and keep working hard in their studies.


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