The zamfara state insecurity led the shut down of telecom service for two weeks.

The spreading insecurity situation in zamfara state has necessitated Nigerian Communication commission (NCC) to immediate shut down of all telecom services in the state from today, September 3.

According to a letter adrresed to the chief executive officers companie’s, a copy of which was sighted by the Guardian, the decision is “to enable relevant security agencies to carry out required activities towards addressing the security challenges in the state.

The Council noted that one of the greatest hurdles to combating banditry is the issue of informers, who use mobile networks to communicate with bandits about the movements of troops. The bandits also take advantage of the availability of the networks to coordinate their attacks.”

The letter titled “Shut down of all telecome sites in zamfara state” was signed by the executive officer of (NCC),proff Umar Dan batta.

The Guardian reference a letter dated August 3,written to the NCC from the office of zamfara state Governor asking for the shut down of telecoms service in the state

According to industry experts, a service signal from a cell tower could reach up to 45 miles away, depending on the technology of the cell phone network.

Also Northwetern zamfara shares boundries with sokoto,kebbi,Niger,Kaduna and Katsina state.To achieve a total shutdown of service,the operators would also have to shut some of their sites in the neighboring states as directed by the rugulator.


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