TWo Medical Condition That Can Happen When You Take Excessive Kola nut.

There should be moderate to everything you do especially when it comes to the food you up Pepsi coal,and now many popular energy drink.
Also, according to the world journal of advance research and review, the right amount of kola nut intake depends on several factors such as age physiology, and health status,and as such,more effort should be channeled into the area of investigating the more appropriate quantity of kola nut that should be consumed according peculiar status.
Moreover,as a student back in the university,we often eat kola nut to stay awake when reading.little did we know that there might be a side do you still take kola nut because of what you read or was told?then,I recommend you read this article carefully.
Here are some medical conditions that can happen if you consume kola nut excessively.

1_irregular heartbeat
No doubt,kola nut comes with many health benefits as well as side effects.As regards the Side effect,kola nut comes with some substance that contains caffeine this substance can cause an irregular heartbeat.DR. prince ogor of United State of America is among the medical expert that hold this medical opinion.

2 _Difficulty in breathing
Excessive consumption of Kola nuts might not be advisable because of it’s effect.moreover, the last thing you ever want to experience is struggling with your breating pattern.But do you know that a large intake of kola nut is likely to cause difficulty occurs frequently untimely death is likely to this is why many health organization especially NAFDAC and world health organization recommend kola nut users to reduce excessive in take.
In conclusion,kola nut extract is generally considered safe by the FDA and other governing bodies around the world.also kola has been used as a food additive in the United State over time.
So after careful reading through it, what do you think about eating kola nut? please do well to drop your answers and share your opinion in the comment section below let’s discuss.


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