UNICEF : 120 Nigerian children infected with environmental polio.

The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, has said a total of 120 children in Nigeria have been infected with environmental poliovirus.

The Agency Representative, Peter Hawkins, stated this on Monday during the 3rd quarterly Northern Traditional Leaders’ Committee, NTLC meeting on Primary Health Care, PHC Delivery in  Abuja.

According to the agency,  the children are not in a particular region but across different parts of the nation.

However, Hawkins,  expressed hope that, Nigeria would soon get out of the wood taking in to consideration the good immunization infrastructures and political will shown by leaders.

 He added that 78 million vaccines have already been utilized throughout Nigeria and 50 million more were expected in the next months to counter the outbreak. 

In another development, the Executive Director, National Primary Health Care Development Agency  (NPHCDA) Dr Faisal Shuaib, said he was hopeful the situation would be brought under control.

Shuaib  further noted, the current poliovirus was different from the previous wild poliovirus which was eradicated in the country and other African continents.  

He said, “With the various outbreaks that we are currently facing, our system must be coordinated. This is because they are all united.

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