The farmers of sesame, popularly known as benisseed, in Charanchi and others producing areas in Katsina State are making good fortunes from the sales of their produced amid mass production.

The beniseed which it has now being in the market is massively cultivated in some part of Ktsina apart from Charanchi where it has been in a large quantity.

A farmer Malam Mansir Adamu, it was only a few year that farmers started producing the crop in commercial quantity in some few part of the areas.

Malam Adamu said that due to the high demand and good price now more farmers including women and youths they were not left behind in the farming.

He further explaint, that beniseed farming is not difficult becouse the farmers does not have to apply fertilizer and it could be grown even on unfertile soil twice a year.

A marketer Malam Wada Yahayya has explaint that before the COVID-19 outbreak a 100kg bag beniseed was sold between 60,000 and 70,000 but that the price drop to 25,000 during the down.

He said that the commodity was usually exported to Asia, middle east, and europe but that becouse of the travel ban buyers who exported the commodity has lowers the coming of the buyers.


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