In an interview with a student of the department of food science, Catering and Hospitality Management Hassan Usman katsina polytechnic, Epuna Favour explains how she found herself in the department despite the fact that it was not her choice.

Epuna Favour is an HNDII student who applied for computer science as her course choice but later found herself in Hospitality Management who was not happy at first but later found the course interesting and that motivated her more into it, she defined the course as a course that deals with the basic needs of people which are: Food, Clothing, and Shelter.

Furthermore, she explains more on what Hospitality Management as a course entails which is, it deals with the basic needs of humans, travelers or people that come to a country to survey, it’s deals with business class people, how to take good care of them, their accommodations, food and any other thing that will make them feel comfortable by providing them with a more affordable and convenient place to stay after their day-to-day work activities which makes them call it Home Away from Home.

Epuna also said, as a senior,if a junior should come for guidance on what course to study in Hassan Usman katsina polytechnic, she will recommend her department to them because the course is not a course that after graduation, you will start hunting for jobs, you can venture into entrepreneurship, you can be self-employed, you don’t need much capital to start any business you want, she mentioned that those roadside beans cake sellers, soya beans cake sellers, gurasa sellers are all examples of Hospitality Management who provides feeding to those that can not afford the classic restaurants

She concluded by advising the Juniors and the newly admitted students to be more committed, consistent, serious, and focus because the course is a very broad one, and if they do not concentrate to learn what the course is all about, they may actually miss it because it’s deals with many things, Tourism, travelers, both for Airport and so many other things, the course is something you have to be careful while studying in order not to misguide people and miss what you are to learn, it’s a carrier oriented course, you can be boss of your own not necessarily you work under someone because you have the license, law, rules involved in establishing your own Hospitality Management outlet.


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